Employee Name: Lytricia Florence
Position: HCM Supervisor
Current Department/Unit: Human Resources – HCM and Records Unit
Length of GSU Employment: 15.5 Years
What Do You Enjoy About GSU: I enjoy knowing that my work is meaningful. My work directly impacts faculty, staff, and students. I enjoy the people that I work with.
Guilty Pleasures: eating sweets, bowling, and reading fiction books
Three Words that Describe You: Dedicated, Determined, and Dependable
More about Lytricia:
Lytricia has helped everyone in the HCM Unit with her historical knowledge of the University, which includes the new Director and Assistant Director of HCM and Records. She has trained all of the new employees in the unit and has been promoted to HCM Supervisor. Most recently, Lytricia identified a vacant workspace for the HCM Unit that will provide an additional location for HCM service delivery.