The Staff Council Professional Development Fund provides financial assistance for professional development activities as described in the guidelines below. Professional development supported by this fund must benefit both the employee, their department, and be related to their current position.
For questions, please contact [email protected].
October 18
Application Deadline
October 21
Award Recipients Announced
The Staff Council Professional Development Fund offers financial support, providing up to $400 to assist with professional development costs, materials and supplies, and other direct educational expenses. Competitive awards will be granted to 3-5 staff members each spring and fall semester.
The submission deadline for the Fall 2024 award is October 18th.
Employee Eligibility
- Active full-time, benefits eligible (30+ hours), staff members of Georgia State with a minimum of one year of continuous employment. (Post-Docs, GRAs, GTAs, and student assistants are not eligible)
- Applicants must remain employed at GSU and be in good standing for the duration of the development opportunity.
- Applicant must not have previously received professional development funds from Staff Council.
Allowable Expenses
- Professional development including seminars, workshops, conferences, certifications, resources, and continuing education offered by professional organizations or other work-related professional development courses. These funds cannot be used for travel-related expenses (e.g., airfare, hotel, per diem, etc.).
- Applicants must demonstrate how each opportunity benefits them and their department.
- Funds must be used on professional development activities and materials that are directly related to the applicant’s current position.
- Funds must be used on a single transaction, event, trip (e.g., funds cannot be split up across multiple supplies, courses, or conferences).
*TAP recipients cannot use scholarship funds for tuition as tuition is already waived.
How are funds awarded?
- Direct to vendor: Payments made directly to a vendor for expenses such as conference registration, can be processed via PantherMart in advance.
- Reimbursement to the Payee: Reimbursements can be processed directly to the payee by submitting the necessary supporting documentation.
*Award must be expensed prior to January 31st, 2025
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